Hi John, Here your code compiles as soon as you change \stopflowchart into \stopFLOWchart! Willi John R. Culleton wrote:
I copied the first example in the "Charts" manual as follows: ------------------------------------------------------- \setupoutput[pdftex] \usemodule[chart] \starttext \setupFLOWcharts [option=test, nx=4, ny=3, dx=2\bodyfontsize, dy=2\bodyfontsize, width=12\bodyfontsize, height=7\bodyfontsize, maxwidth=\textwidth]
\startFLOWchart[grid] \stopflowchart \FLOWchart[grid] \stoptext -----------------------------------------
I get the following error messages; --------------------------------------------------- systems : begin file ped at line 3
) Runaway argument? ! File ended while scanning use of \copyblockline. <inserted text> \par <*> &cont-en ped.tex ? ----------------------------------------
If I have made a silly mistake would someone please point it out?