Am 26.02.2025 um 18:08 schrieb Rik Kabel:
On 2025-02-26 11:39, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 26.02.2025 um 17:02 schrieb Rik Kabel:Thank you. That works for the question I asked.
Is there a way to get margin text in a makeup page? The following example, modified by the addition of \inmargin... from the wiki at, results in no margin text in the makeup with either luatex or lmtx.
Now, the question I should have asked: Is there a way to get a label placed in that margin. Updated example:
\Test[]This is makeup page
\Test[]This is not a makeup page
Below is simplified example, the problem is:
1. The makeup environment uses \forgetall at the start, where
2. \inhibitmargindata\conditionalfalse is set.
3. When you now use the margin alternative for the label \inright is flushed in a local group.
4. Because of the local group \inhibitmargindata is never set brak to true and therefore no entries are placed.
The ungrouped second \inright in the example sets the correct value to the conditional.
Using \global to set the conditional fixes the problem but I'm unsure about side effects.
% typo-mar.mkxl
\permanent\tolerant\protected\def\typo_margins_data_yes ...
- {\inhibitmargindata\conditionalfalse % flushing afterwards
+ {\global\inhibitmargindata\conditionalfalse % flushing afterwards
%%%% begin example
\begingroup\inright[scope=local]{Entry 1}\endgroup\samplefile{lorem}
\inright[scope=local]{Entry 2}\samplefile{lorem}
\begingroup\inright[scope=local]{Entry 3}\endgroup\samplefile{lorem}
%%%% end example
Thank you, Wolfgang. That works for my problem document and appears to have no side effects on other of my documents. I do not, however, have a lot of variety in my test suite, so offer this success as simply one data point.