Hello, Pleeease, I need a help. I might formulate my previous question badly, so let me restate it. How to handle optional arguments (one or two) with \definestartstop? More specifically, how to replace hard-coded "Logging-On" string so that I could write \startusecase[Logging-Out] Bla-bla \stopusecase or even \startusecase[Reminding password][User should be already logged on] % where the last argument is completely optional and is shown on an additional line % with "prerequisite" mark Bla-bla-bla \stopusecase My current startstop definition is \definestartstop[usecase][before={\starttextrule{Use Case: Logging-On}\startpacked\startmypar{\bf User Intentions}\mypar{\bf System Responsibilities}\stopmypar}, after={\stoppacked\stoptextrule}] Best, Vyatcheslav