Hello, Following on from my previous questions for writing my book (thanks again Wolfgang), I have to create a solution environment like the attached image. My problem is adjusting the length of the frame. Thank you. Fabrice \setupbodyfont[newcomputermodern-book,11pt] \defineframed [ACFRAME] [frame=off, width=fit, align=flushleft, location=low, background=color, backgroundcolor=lightgray, foregroundcolor=, foregroundstyle=] \setupenumerations [before={\blank}, after={\blank}, alternative=top, title=yes, titleleft={}, titleright={}, titlestyle=bold, width=broad] \defineenumeration [exercice] [text=Exercice, number=yes, numbercommand=\groupedcommand{}{.}, style=italic] \defineenumeration [solution] [text=Solution, headcommand=\ACFRAME, number=no, numbercommand=\groupedcommand{}{}, style=normal] \starttext \startexercice{Le nombre d'or est irrationnel} Le nombre d'or, noté \m{\phi}, est tel que \m{\phi=\dfrac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}}. Montrer que \m{\phi} est irrationnel. \stopexercice \startsolution Nous raisonnons par l'absurde en supposant que \m{\phi} est rationnel. \stopsolution \stoptext