Dear Cabinet, A couple of footnote questions: 1. Is there an option for choosing one's own reference mark for any given footnote, like in Plain? 2. Is there a conversion option for the famous nine reference mark sequence (\fnsymbol in LaTeX): star, dagger, double dagger, section, inverted `P', parallel, star-star, dagger-dagger, double dagger-double dagger ? I did not see it in the manual. 3. Is there a way to control the distance between the footnote rule and the firstline of the footnote? 4. ConTeXt places the footnote reference mark just on the outside of the margin. Can I place it inside? Can I indent the first paragraph of the footnote with the reference mark (like in LaTeX)? Unrelated: Can I make an entire document default to oldstyle numbers? (Probably not, since Knuth mapped these glyphs in a strange way). That's the end of the rain shower for now, but I'll be back with more I'm sure;-) Idris