Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context schrieb am 04.03.2024 um 07:17:
On 3/4/24 01:18, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context schrieb am 03.03.2024 um 20:02:
[...] With LuaTeX, I get PDF metadata. With LuaMetaTeX, I cannot get them. [...] I can confirm the issue and it happens because Hans changed they way how the values of the \setupinteraction commands are passed to Lua side of ConTeXt to be written to the PDF file.
Many thanks for your reply and your explanation, Wolfgang.
I can provide at the moment solutions which ensure the information appear in the PDF but none of the is very elegant and I hope Hans can help with a clean solution.
The first one avoids the issue until Hans provides a final fix.
Here is the official solution: \startxmlsetups xml:meta \setupmetadata [author={\xmltext{#1}{/author}}, title={\xmltext{#1}{/title}}] \stopxmlsetups The command is new and accepts the following keys: - title - subtitle - author - keyword - date Wolfgang