Hi, Walter Schmidt has made the font DayRoman from Apostrophic Labs available to TeX. Currently the support package doesn't contain any ConTeXt support, i.e. typescripts. I've made for me a typescript for these fonts and now Walter is interested in including ConTeXt support in his package. His package is distributed as zip-file that can be directly unpacked in a texmf-tree. Thus, where should the typescript-file be located? In my private texmf-tree i use TEXMF/tex/context/user/typescripts/ and the file names start with "cts-" (i.e. cts-dayroman.tex). Is there some standard how to name typescripts and locate them in a texmf-tree, so that distribution of typescripts is possible in a controled way? BTW, i would prefer that \usetypescriptfile[dayroman] first tries to load dayroman.cts and if it is not available it tries dayroman.tex. Then we can use the extension "cts" for ConTeXt TypeScripts in the future. Best, Jens