Am 15.12.2012 um 00:07 schrieb Andre Caldas
thanks for the interesting contribution! Have a look at the patch I hopefully don’t forget to append.
I didn't quite understood how this works: \unexpanded\def\startframe{\dosingleempty\frame_start}
This creates the new command \startframe which calls the internal command \frame_start which has one optional argument.
\def\frame_start[#1]{% \iffirstargument \section{#1}%% solution needed here! \fi
This block checks if the optional argument is used by the user, when the argument is used the content is typeset as \section.
\begingroup \grabbufferdata[simplesteps][startframe][stopframe]% }
With the \grabbufferdata command the content beginning from \startframe until \stopframe is stored in a buffer with the name “simplesteps”.
This makes the \stopframe command a synonym for \simplestepsplaybuffer which is now called when the frame environment ends. Wolfgang