11 Apr
11 Apr
8:28 a.m.
Am 10.04.2009 um 10:28 schrieb Thomas Prochaska:
this simple example works with "texexec" but not with "context".
%--------------------- \definesynonyms[nomenclature][nomenclatures][\infull] \setupsynonyms[nomenclature][criterium=all,width=broad]
\nomenclature[a]{abcdefg}{alphabet} \nomenclature[b]{b}{letter b}
\starttext xxx \completelistofnomenclatures yyy \stoptext %---------------------
is this bug known? i couldn't find anything on the web or in the mailinglist archive.
You need the latest beta because Hans rewrote registers, section, synonyms etc. in mkiv and it was broken for a while in the last betas but is now back. Wolfgang