Hello all! I'm stuck: I have to get at least my ConTeXt to typeset Russian. No ifs or buts, it has to compile a file where the text is in Russian. Getting my ConTeXt to do it can involve installing a font or updating or something, as long as I get it to work in my XP. Preferably I should need a fairly out-of-box to remotely set up a working system on a reasonably computer-literate customers XP. All the computers than can be used for the job run Windows XP and the stand-alone distribution. My own XP has a fairly old distribution without Lua, the test computer has the newest possible standalone version with updated ConTeXt (I ran the script that seemed to do the trick). Happened this far: - I figured out that I can get SciTe to show cyrillics if I put a set.character=204 in the user.properties - I deducted that I can get the updated ConTeXt to run MkIV "out-of-the-box" if I dig up the console and command texexec --lua filename - on the up-to-date ConTeXt I've tried all the tricks I found for Russian on the garden (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Russian) and on the mailing list (a thread from December last year). No luck. (Note. Testing has mostly involved cutting and pasting the full example code into a blank .tex and compiling that into pdf in the way that's appropriate for the instructions.) One of my problems seems to be that the input is not UTF, i.e. I have configured SciTe badly. Or Windows XP just doesn't like UTF, in which case I'm in trouble. It seems to me that if this problem is solved, MkIV would work. I'm not terribly used to working with encodings in general, so UTF is unknown terrain to me and this doesn't make things easier. The other problem is that if I'm running MkII, it seems that I need to install some fonts, but typescripts seem to be of the "email me and you can get a typescript" way. Or then I just can't understand what the text says; since postscript started working by default a few years ago, I've avoided the font department altogether. :/ The third, and very minor problem, is to get the stand-alone to run MkIV/luatex by default. I'm sure there's a switch I can use to tell it to always use luatex instead of pdftex, I'm just too stupid to figure it out myself. And of course I'll only need this if MkIV is the best solution to my problem... If that will solve the problem and if it can be done with minor changes (like adding something to path or something), I'm willing to switch to a different editor for Russian (or, rather, Cyrillic) - especially if that will happily coexist with SciTe. Any hints on what to do next? Mari (Tip of the day: never promise anything to a customer before you've checked that it is doable in reality, not just in specs.)