Many had trouble with btex etex including myself. A possible answer you might find in the appended context source file. You need a rather recent version context and a small handcrafted file by Hans as given in the text. It is rather wordy and not written for experts, but search for \forceMPTEXgraphictrue and you are in the neigbourhood. HGr...Karel. On 9 Nov 2002, at 14:57, Micha Morawski wrote:
I have tried to repeat the example in the file "Creating metapost examples" (mmakempy.pdf) and I receive result as below and empty place in my document. Can anyone give me a hint?
d:/TeXLive/texmf/metapost/base/texnum.mp texnum.mpx ! Unable to make mpx file. l.14 init_numbers(btex $-$etex, btex$1$etex, btex${\times}10$etex, The two files given above are one of your source files and an auxiliary file I need to read to find out what your btex..etex blocks mean. If you don't know why I had trouble,
This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2c 7.3.7x) (mem=metafun 2002.10.31) 31 OCT 2002 22:25 **&metafun mpgraph (mpgraph.mp {randomseed:=3603} (d:/TeXLive/texmf/metapost/base/graph.mp (d:/TeXLive/texmf/metapost/base/format.mp (d:/TeXLive/texmf/metapost/base/string.mp) (d:/TeXLive/texmf/metapost/base/texnum.mp try running it manually through MPto -tex, TeX, and DVItoMP.
Thanks in advance Michal
############################################ ## Micha Morawski ## 95-200 Pabianice, Sempo owskiej 5 m 13 ## tel/fax ++48 42 2262228 ############################################ Zwykle niewinno jest wynikiem szcz cia a nie cnoty. Anatol France
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% output=pdftex %\def\Lit[#1]{\unskip\high{\in[lit:#1]}} \def\Lit[#1]{[\in[lit:#1]]} \setuphead[chapter][page=no,style=\bfc,after=\blank] \setuphead[section][page=no,style=\bfb,after=\blank] \setupwhitespace[big] \usemodule[graph] \starttext \title[title]{Shifted bullets in graphs with \METAPOST} \startnarrower \startlines Frans Goddijn \type{frans@goddijn.com} Karel H Wesseling \type{k.h.wesseling@planet.nl} \stoplines \stopnarrower \subject[abstract]{Abstract} With \METAPOST\ fully integrated in \CONTEXT\ using this graphic language has become convenient. When we tried to use John Hobby's ``Graph.mp'' package, however, it turned out to require extra initializations and to produce unacceptable, shifted data graphs. Solutions to both problems are given. \section[introduction]{Introduction} \METAPOST\ has become fun for these users when it became integrated in \CONTEXT, which was the trigger for this exercise, but the same can be done in \LATEX\ \Lit[popineau]. \METAPOST\ is known for the high precision of its graphics output and for its perfect scalability. Since this sounds promising also for the presentation of scientific data in graphical form we looked for a package that would ease the plotting of data files. This was found in the ``graph'' package written by John Hobby \Lit[hobby], the author of \METAPOST. In using this package we met with two problems: one, the lacking of proper initializations and two, the inaccurate placement of bullets at given coordinates. \section[initialization]{Initialization} The inclusion of a \METAPOST\ graphics specification in a \CONTEXT\ document is simple and below is a code fragment that produces an XY||plot and places it as a graphic in this document. \starttyping \startuseMPgraphic{plot} draw begingraph(3in,2in); gdraw "bdoffset.d"; endgraph; \stopuseMPgraphic \midaligned{\useMPgraphic{plot}} \stoptyping \startuseMPgraphic{plot} draw begingraph(3in,2in); gdraw "bdoffset.d"; endgraph; \stopuseMPgraphic \midaligned{\useMPgraphic{plot}} With \type{\startuseMPgraphic{plot}} \CONTEXT\ is told that all instructions until the \type{\stopuseMPgraphic} are to be understood as \METAPOST||speak. \type{draw} is a \METAPOST\ instruction and \type{gdraw} is one included in Hobby's ``graph'' package which lives on top of \METAPOST. The file \type{bdoffset.d} is a small data file arranged as: \starttyping 83 141 93 118 103 100 113 86 123 74 <EOF> \stoptyping This file must not have any extra empty lines (or all hell breaks loose). As a reminder, therefore, we placed an unnecessary \type{<EOF>} right after the final datum. The ``graph'' package accepts extra characters on a line, but no extra lines. If you would try this program, the reason that it doesn't work right away is that the ``graph'' package has not been input. This would usually be accomplished by an instruction \starttyping \startMPinclusions input graph; \stopMPinclusions \stoptyping placed near the top between the start/stop of \type{useMPgraphic}. Since extra initializations appeared also needed, however, Hans Hagen \footnote{of Pragma||ADE, the author of \CONTEXT.} wrote the following little module that must be input for use (\type{\usemodule[graph]}) in the preamble area of the source file, i.e. before \type{\starttext}: \starttyping \forceMPTEXgraphictrue \appendtoks initialize_numbers; % assure that pseudo typesetting is set up input graph; % load the graph package Autoform:="@g"; % change the % template char into @ \to \MPinitializations \stoptyping Place these instructions in a file named \type{m-graph.tex} and the graph package is input, properly initialized, and ready for work. Note that the file \type{m-graph.tex} is input with \type{\usemodule[graph]}. When \CONTEXT\ reads \type{\usemodule} it inserts \type{m-} and appends \type{.tex} to the name automatically to find the correct file. Be sure to also place Hobby's \type{graph.mp} in the same directory or at least where it can be found by \CONTEXT. Using a rather recent version of \CONTEXT\ (see \about[references]) and this module, compile again, and the data plot shown above should result. \section[bullets]{Shifted bullets} In the data plot the data pairs are plotted interconnected with straight lines. Since the curve is featureless the positions of the individual data points are barely discernable. Let us try to mark them more clearly. The manual for the ``graph'' package offers a solution. Simply replot the data but this time as bullets with the instruction \starttyping gdraw "bdoffset.d" plot btex$\bullet$etex \stoptyping The \type{btex...etex} pair signifies to \METAPOST\ that the instructions in between should be interpreted as \TeX||typeset instructions. Thus, within the \CONTEXT\ document we first instruct \CONTEXT\ to look at a set of text lines as \METAPOST\ and within these lines \METAPOST\ is asked to consider some words as instructions to \TeX, which is why you need a recent version \CONTEXT. Still, the system works and the result is the following graphic: \startuseMPgraphic{plotbul} draw begingraph(3in,2in); gdraw "bdoffset.d"; gdraw "bdoffset.d" plot btex$\bullet$etex; endgraph; \stopuseMPgraphic \midaligned{\useMPgraphic{plotbul}} The dots don't fall on the line. Our first thought was that we did something wrong and our first action was to ask for help. Our second action was to check the graphic made with similar instructions in the ``graph'' manual. By tearing out the manual's page on which Fig.~2 is plotted and placing it over Fig.~1 such that the tick marks match we observed that equally in the manual the dots appear shifted towards the upper right. It turns out that \TeX\ positions each glyph with its reference point, not its midpoint, at the specified coordinates \Lit[knuth]. The reference point of the bullet is at the lower left of its box: \footnote{This can be observed in \CONTEXT\ by typing \type{\ruledhbox{$\bullet$}}} \ruledhbox{$\bullet$}. Thus, neither \TeX\ nor we did wrong but the instruction is wrong. The first solution suggested is to shift the bullet in opposite direction by replacing the \TeX\ instruction \type{$\bullet$} with: \starttyping \kern-1mm\raisebox{-1mm}[0mm][0mm]{$\bullet$} \stoptyping which should shift the dot 1~mm to the left and 1~mm down, but doesn't. \TeX\ within \METAPOST\ within \CONTEXT\ forgets the original coordinates somewhere on the way and nothing is output. Since we hard||program shifts in mm for glyphs that could vary in dimension with the symbol specified it is not a general purpose solution either. Yet, it might have worked. A solution which stays within \METAPOST\ came from the author of \METAFUN\ \Lit[hagen]. It declares and defines the bullet as a \METAPOST\ picture and plots the picture repeatedly at each coordinate specified. The full text of the example becomes: \starttyping \startuseMPgraphic{buldot} picture Buldot; Buldot:=image(draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 2mm;); draw begingraph(3in,2in); gdraw "other.d"; gdraw "other.d" plot Buldot; endgraph; \stopuseMPgraphic \midaligned{\useMPgraphic{buldot}} \stoptyping \startuseMPgraphic{buldot} picture Buldot; Buldot:=image(draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 2mm;); draw begingraph(3in,2in); gdraw "other.d"; gdraw "other.d" plot Buldot; endgraph; \stopuseMPgraphic \midaligned{\useMPgraphic{buldot}} The problem is solved. The `picture', of course, could be anything, like stars or squares or triangles or even doughnuts, as long as its midpoint is defined at the origin. And yes, we did change the data points to something more recognizable (a big dipper). \subject[acknowledgement]{Acknowledgement} We would like to express our appreciation to the respondents to our questions, they know who they are, that offered help and helped to a nice solution, all within the timespan of one workday. \subject[references]{References} \startitemize[n,packed] \item[lit:popineau] Popineau F: \METAPOST\ pratique. Cahiers GUTenberg n\high{o}~41 |---| Novembre 2001. \item[lit:hobby] Hobby J D: Drawings graphs with MetaPost. \crlf \type{\texmf\doc\metapost\base\mpgraph.pdf} \item[lit:knuth] Knuth D E: The \TeX book (Chapter~11). Addison Wesley 1970. \item[lit:hagen] Hagen H: Metafun. \crlf \type{\texmf\doc\context\manuals\metafun-p.pdf} \stopitemize The directory paths above are for the \TeX Live CDROM set, issue nr~7, June~2002, Volume~1. The \METAFUN\ manual and the \CONTEXT\ software are also available from \type{http://www.pragma-ade.com/} \stoptext