hi i'm on Win 7 64bit and have installed TeXlive 2009 today via the net-installer. i can process context-files, but have some problems: i get "pdftex warning: pdftex.exe: no glyphtounicode entry has been inserted yet" if i use the command \showmathcharacters, and the table in the pdf is empty. in a more complex file i get "! Dimension too large. .."-error additionally on \showmathcharacters, table is empty as well. tried to get a recent version of context by directing texlive manger to "http://minimals.contextgarden.net/texlive/beta", but no matter what i try to update/install (by the way what should i do there?) , i get "00texlive.installation not found, cannot read option available_architectures. TLPDB::setting: no available_architectures, returning empty list ... Fertig. Executing action install 00texlive.config [1/1, ??:??/??:??] install: 00texlive.config [1k] Downloading http://minimals.contextgarden.net/texlive/beta/archive/00texlive.config.tar.... did not succeed, please retry." i noticed that archives have the extension ".tar.lzma" on the server but texlivemanager is looking for ".tar.xz", can i do anything about that? if somebody had some hints what i could/should try/avoid, that would help a lot..