Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug or feature, but I noticed that custom footnotes defined through \definenote do not appear when using \placelocalfootnotes as per the following example: %-------------------------------------------- \setuppapersize [A5] \definenote [noteone] [footnote] \setupnotation [noteone] [style=bold, headstyle=bold] \setupnote [noteone] [textstyle=bold] \starttext \startlocalfootnotes Testing footnote \footnote{this is a footnote} Testing noteone \noteone{this is noteone} \placelocalfootnotes \stoplocalfootnotes Testing footnote \footnote{this is a footnote} Testing noteone \noteone{this is noteone} \stoptext %-------------------------------------------- Both the local and global footnotes appear as 1, 2 (so noteone is numbered locally). Is there an alternative command to \placelocalfootnotes that I can use to make noteone appear in the local context? Thanks, Stan