David Arnold wrote:
bin $ locate yandy- /Users/darnold/tmp/lucida/texnansi-yandy-lucida-mpgraph.mp /Users/darnold/tmp/lucida/texnansi-yandy-lucida.log /Users/darnold/tmp/lucida/texnansi-yandy-lucida.pdf /Users/darnold/tmp/lucida/texnansi-yandy-lucida.tex /Users/darnold/tmp/lucida/texnansi-yandy-lucida.tmp /Users/darnold/tmp/lucida/texnansi-yandy-lucida.tui /Users/darnold/tmp/lucida/texnansi-yandy-lucida.tuo /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/fonts/map/pdftex/context/texnansi- yandy-lucida.bak /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/fonts/map/pdftex/context/texnansi- yandy-lucida.map
ah, i see; the problem is that the context predefined typescripts expect something bh-lucida since bh is the foundry and not yandy now, for all fonts that i buy/use, i add en entry to type-buy.tex, and the corresponding dat files says: # bh lucida --en=? --ve=bh --co=lucida --re --en=? --ve=bh --co=lucida --so=bh/lucida --ma --in --expert this means that you can run texfont as follows: texfont --encoding=texnansi --batch type-buy.dat which assumes that you have the fonts in the local tree (the place where you run this command) under bh/lucida Here i have a dedicated disk where i put my font files (the ones provided by the foundry) structured like: /myboughtfonts/bh/lucida/ the last one is flat, i.e. i always copy all font files to such a path (pfb, afm, whatever) i then run texfont in the /myboughtfonts path and (using the dat file) texfonts knows where to find the files. So, type-buy assumes some kind of source tree: h:\fonts\adobe\frutiger h:\fonts\adobe\myriad h:\fonts\adobe\palatino h:\fonts\adobe\symbol h:\fonts\adobe\utopia h:\fonts\agfa\bauhaus h:\fonts\bh\lucida h:\fonts\bitstream\cyberbit h:\fonts\itc\bauhaus h:\fonts\itc\kabel h:\fonts\itc\mendoza h:\fonts\itc\officina h:\fonts\itc\stone h:\fonts\linotype\industria h:\fonts\linotype\optima-nova h:\fonts\linotype\syntax h:\fonts\linotype\univers h:\fonts\linotype\zapfino h:\fonts\linotype\zapfino-extra h:\fonts\lucas\antiqua h:\fonts\lucas\sun h:\fonts\lucas\thesans h:\fonts\monotype\sabon which will be reflected in the names that en dup in the tex tree once you have it running, adding a new font is a matter of minutes Hans