Hans Hagen wrote:
Hm, probably needed for old-slovenian or so:
To typeset the old-slovenian I have to wait for another couple of years for some more glyphs which cannot be faked ;) (But you know - our phoneticians never run out of ideas how to write what we speak. These strange glyps are a part of modern dictionaries and grammars.) I'm glad that I can finally type one of the characters that I was searching for years in LaTeX :) ... Also thanks to Brooks for inspiring me with his nice question marks in the garden.
\unexpanded\def\topaccent#1#2#3#4#5% down right slantcorrection accent char {\dontleavehmode \bgroup \setbox0\hbox{#4}% \setbox2\hbox{#5}% \hbox to \wd2 \bgroup \hss\copy2\hss \hskip-\wd2 \hss\hskip#2\wd0\hskip-#3\fontdimen1\font\raise#1\hbox{#4}\hss \egroup \egroup}
Thank you, Hans! This macro solved two problems at once :) Now I can also define \udoublegrave (the "Aditions for Slovenian and Croatian" section of Unicode ;) by simply putting \mirror{\texthungarumlaut} as an argument to \topaccent. Definitions of those strange glyphs have nothing to do in the ConTeXt core, but perhaps you can put the \topaccent there as someone else could need it as well. Thanks again, Mojca