5 Sep
5 Sep
4:53 p.m.
Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
texmfstart texexec --make --all --luatex
do not produce error message at all.
This does not indicate that all the format files have been compiled. Are there where luatools looks for them? (/tmp/luatex-cache/context/2bee42bddafb2afd5c3c1eaea23baaa5/formats/cont-en.fmt) If not, can you send the exact output of texexec --luatex --make --all (maybe by private mail)? If yes, this is extremely weird.
There was a bug in the binary that crashed the executable depending on the memory load location, so it is no sutprise that different machines gave different results. The current SVN trunk should have a fixed the problem. Best wishes, Taco