25 Jul
25 Jul
10:31 a.m.
Am Montag, den 25.07.2011, 12:14 +0200 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 25.07.2011 um 12:10 schrieb Paul Menzel:
the updater/installer remembers what you've installed so the next time the extras will be synchronized along with the core (all or the selection you've chosen)
Well, then this somehow failed for me. The TikZ module was still from May 2011 and the core July 2011.
The name of the parameter has changed from “extras” to “modules”.
To install all modules you have to type “first-setup.sh --modules=all”.
Thanks, but I think this was not the problem at my end. `~/.first-setup.sh` is still the one from January, so `extras` worked for me. Thanks, Paul