Hi, all, There appear to be a number of test suites in existence. (1) The suite on pragma-ade.com. I suspect this is the one Hans actually uses. http://www.pragma-ade.com/download-1.htm (click on cont-tst.7z) (2) The project on foundry.supelec.fr. Most recent file is 3 years old, and most of them are 6-7 years old, AFAICT. Summary: https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contexttest/ Files: https://foundry.supelec.fr/scm/viewvc.php/?root=contexttest This is also the suite described on http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Test_suite (3) The ConTeXt unofficial test suite https://github.com/melmothx/context-unofficial-test-suite I want to update the [[Test suite]] page to make it more accurate. So, I'm asking y'all: any inaccuracies in the text at the bottom of this e-mail? Cheers, Sietse * The test suite at pragma-ade.com is Hans's test suite; he runs this suite before uploading a new beta (most times). To contribute a test to this suite, write it in an e-mail and send it to the mailing list. QUESTION: when one downloads and unzips this file in a directory, how does one run it? * The test suite at github is managed by users, especially Marco Patzer. To run the suite, just download it and run `run-suite.pl`. * The test suite at foundry.supelec.fr is no longer being used. QUESTION: are the tests in it already transferred to Hans or Marco's test suite? If not, is that still something we want to do, or can we just bury this suite entirely?