On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Mikael Persson
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 16-2-2010 11:38, Mikael Persson wrote:
Thank you Mojca and Aditya for your answers,
I hope the mathdesign part of mtx-update.lua will end up in the orignal file. I do not know how to use it now.
If I save this file and update with "sh firstsetup.sh --extras=all" (or --extras=mathdesign) it seems that the mtx-update.lua is overwritten with the version from the server. I do not know howto upgrade with mtx-update.lua without firstsetup.sh.
About the fourier fonts. Is there a lot of work to do in math-vfu.lua to get it to work? I looked into that file, but it was a bit hard to understand what is needed...
Maybe it is hard work to get the fonts working, but I really think that if we have several text+math fonts easily available in the minimals that will make (new) users very happy.
it depends ... if the font is in tex default encoding then it's only a matter of adding a small table
I'm not 100% sure how it works wth font encodings, but the fourier doc (http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/fourier-GUT/doc/latex/fourier/fourier-doc-en.pd...) says that the fonts are _fully_ T1 encoded.
PS: Hans, do you have any comments about the mathdesign patch suggested by Mojca above?
I have now manually downloaded the mathdesign fonts (and the charter fonts, not available on the server it seems) The fonts gets used, but I get upright math letters instead of italic ones. My test file is given by \definetypeface[charter][rm][serif][charter] [default] \definetypeface[charter][mm][math] [charter] [default] \setupbodyfont[charter,10pt] \starttext We define, for real $x$, the absolute value of $x$ as \startformula |x|= \startcases \NC \hphantom{-}x \MC x\geq 0,\NR \NC -x \MC x<0.\NR \stopcases \stopformula Also let $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\Gamma$ be\dots \stoptext The output can be found at http://home.imf.au.dk/mickep/mdesign.pdf Typesetting a similar document with LaTeX I get italic math (note also that the \Gamma is upright, I guess that this is an option that is turned on by default by LaTeX) http://home.imf.au.dk/mickep/lmdesign.pdf I guess this has something to do with the following lines in math-vfu.lua mathematics.make_font ( "charter-math", { { name = "file:bchr8a", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "md-chr7m.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" }, { name = "md-chri7m.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "md-chri7m.tfm", vector = "tex-it", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "md-chr7y.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true }, { name = "md-chr7v.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true }, { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, } ) However, I am not able guess what to change (I tried different things available in mdbch.map). Any help is appreciated. Mikael