The solution is to use strut=no in the framed and clear the before and after keys of the typing environment. I found it by accident on the wiki: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Verbatim_text#Making_a_tight_vertical_fit --- \starttext \ruledhbox{% \startframed[width=fit,align=right,strut=no,offset=0pt] \setuptyping[before=,after=] \starttyping print("Hello World!") \stoptyping \stopframed } \stoptext On 11/08/2016 03:10 PM, Henri Menke wrote:
Dear list,
To answer this question on TeX.SX https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/338135/ I was trying to put a typing environment into a natural width box. It first seemed that framedtext is doing what I was after but it turned out that only the frame is adjusted to natural width, the underlying box is still full width. Therefore I tried framed but there I obtain spurious vertical space out of nowhere. How can I place typing into a natural sized box?
Cheers, Henri
\ruledhbox{% \startframedtext[width=fit,offset=0pt] \starttyping print("Hello World!") \stoptyping \stopframedtext }
\ruledhbox{% \startframed[width=fit,align=right,offset=0pt] \starttyping print("Hello World!") \stoptyping \stopframed }