Hi @all, l'm trying to some vertical text into the margins of my Document. But I don't wanna have this text on every page so I'm looking for a solution to switch it on or off ... I tried this but it doesn't work: *environment File:* \setupbackgrounds [leftpage] [background=Watermark-Left] \definelayer [Watermark-Left] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight, state=stop] \setlayer [Watermark-Left] [hoffset=1cm, voffset=1cm] {\scale[sx=2,sy=3]{\rotate[rotation=-90.0]{margintext}}} *Project File:* \startbodymatter \setupbackgrounds[lefttpage][state=repeat] \stopbodymatter Maybe some knows a solution for this ... Markus -- -------------------"it's like this"------ even samurai have teddy bears and even teddy bears get drunk