On 2012-08-01 Aditya Mahajan
I'll add a margin key to vim module (but not the oddmargin and evenmargin keys; they would require a complete low-level rewrite of the module).
Thanks a million. That was fast :)
The dev version on github now includes a margin key,
Does it? I just can see a new test file in the recent commit history (without margin key, however). Did you already push the changes to the public repo?
I haven't tested it too much
That's my part, I guess
hence no new release at the moment).
No problem, I'm totally fine with the git repo.
Note that this works differently from \definetyping. The typing environment honors the leftskip set by its parent environment (for example, if typing is inside startbackground); vimtyping environment resets all the settings of its parent environment.
That's why the hacks that I tried before all miserably failed. Thanks again! Marco