how do I "run" mktexlsr? from the OS X Terminal
Since you're using tetex, 'mktexlsr' should be in the PATH already (on my linux system it's in /usr/bin, one of the very standard components of PATH), so 'mktexlsr' from the Terminal should work. If that doesn't work, what's the output of 'printenv PATH'? And does MacOS have 'locate'? On Linux, 'locate mktexlsr' will tell you all files that contain 'mktexlsr' in their full name (including directory). That often helps in finding where packages put files. On (Debian) Linux an easier way is to ask the package management system to list the files in a package, e.g: dpkg -L tetex-base which produces thousands of lines. Maybe Mac gurus know something similar for Mac OS? Even more useful is to use a pipe (|) to connect the output of dpkg to pattern-matching utility grep: dpkg -L tetex-base | grep t-amsl which produces /usr/share/texmf-tetex/tex/context/maths/t-amsl.tex For finding mktexlsr 'dpkg -L tetex-bin | grep mktexlsr' produces /usr/share/man/man1/mktexlsr.1.gz /usr/bin/mktexlsr (also useful to use grep after a 'locate'). If locate doesn't exist, the elephant gun is 'find', e.g. find /usr -name 'mktexlsr' or another example: find /usr -name 't-amsl.tex' Find traverses the file system tree starting where you tell it (/usr in the above examples) looking for whatever you ask, and prints out the matching path names. ('locate' is just an optimized version of find: Once a week or so, the system does a 'find /' and stores all the paths in a monster file, and then 'locate' just looks in that file). -Sanjoy `Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.' --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.