Il 25/08/21 14:06, Hans Hagen ha scritto:
On 8/25/2021 1:20 PM, mf via ntg-context wrote:
Il 25/08/21 13:06, Hans Hagen ha scritto:
On 8/25/2021 11:18 AM, mf via ntg-context wrote:
Hello, here's the error I get:
lua error : function call: ...si/context/lmtx-latest/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/mtxrun.lua:4548: bad argument #2 to 'lpegmatch' (string expected, got nil)
BTW I was trying to compile lowlevel-expansion.tex in
after I've seen (looking at the diffs in the git repo) there were some updates in the manual. It works here ... can you try with the top line removed? Otherwise we need to zoom in on where it fails (some path split issue). Yes, it's the runpath directive not working. ok, so can you track that down in mtx-context.lua? (i know you can)
The problem is that the argument "one" is nil, but the function file.join checks only for one=="". Lines 4541--4548: 4541 function file.join(one,two,three,...) 4542 if not two then 4543 return one=="" and one or lpegmatch(reslasher,one) 4544 end 4545 if one=="" then 4546 return lpegmatch(stripper,three and concat({ two,three,... },"/") or two) 4547 end 4548 if lpegmatch(isnetwork,one) then At line 4545 you check only for one being an empty string, but it happens to be nil, so the program fails at line 4548. Patching line 4545 like this: 4545 if not one or one=="" then removes the error. I leave to you whether the "one" argument should arrive nil to that line, or it should be normalized to an empty string before entering file.join. Massi