Greetings, As per Russian GOST standards, numbered section headings are flush left and start with the paragraph indent. Is there a proper way to indent a section heading? The code simulates what I want visually, but it unfortunately causes the heading to poke out into the margins. That can be troublesome if the title is long enough. Example code to tinker with: \setupindenting[yes, 2.5em, first] \setuphead[section][ style=\bf, align=flushleft, distance=1em, indentnext=yes, ] \showframe \startdocument \startsection[title=Foo] \input dijkstra \stopsection \startsection[title=Very long section title that makes you question the author's writing capabilities] \input dijkstra \stopsection \setuphead[section][ style=\bf, align=flushleft, distance=1em, indentnext=yes, before=\blank[2*big]\indentation, ] \startsection[title=Foo] \input dijkstra \stopsection \startsection[title=Very long section title that makes you question the author's writing capabilities] \input dijkstra \stopsection \stopdocument