Hi, just in case this slipped someone's mind :) I still get an error about an undefined control sequence (\PDFobjectreferenceB) and the footnote marker (star) is not moved with the footnote (\moveright). The attached example code (with overprinting) breaks with the mentioned error. The attached picture shows the problem with the separated footnote marker. It can be created with the other versions (without overprinting) of the \NoteNumber and \MyFootnote macros. Best wishes, Peter \def\NoteNumber#1{\hbox to 15pt{\hfill\black \dostartoverprint#1\dostopoverprint}} %\def\NoteNumber#1{\hbox to 15pt{\hfill\black #1}} \setupfootnotes [bodyfont=6pt, textcolor=black, before=,after=, rule=off, numberconversion={set 2}, % distance=-2em, margindistance=-2em, numbercommand=\NoteNumber] \def\MyFootnote#1{\footnote{\hskip3em \dostartoverprint#1\dostopoverprint}} %\def\MyFootnote#1{\footnote{\hskip3em #1}} \starttext \startlocalfootnotes \vbox\bgroup\hsize=78mm\dontcomplain \startitemize[4] \item die Ausgabe erfolgt als PDF/X-4p\MyFootnote{ISO 15930-7:2008} \stopitemize \egroup \stoplocalfootnotes % footnote marker is not moved! \moveright70mm\hbox{\placelocalfootnotes} \stoptext