Hello All! I order to design a genealogical table I found "\startmathcases ... \stopmathcases" in [1]. It is, what I need, at least partially, with a single left brace adjusting itself in height to the corresponding right text. I know that I'm misusing "mathcases" as my data are pure text and no formulae. But even worse, "mathcases" seem to have a centering environment which makes it difficult to adjust the data of father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and so on in there placement relativ to each other on the page. In the following simple code example there is to be seen, that I had to use \hskip and \vskip by trial and error to dock the second vbox with the first one. That's rather discouraging when thinking of all the rest of genealogical people in 6 generations. Is there a way to make "mathcases" more tame (i.e. without there behaviour to be centered) or do you suggest a complete other method? Rudolf [1] My Way, Aditya Mahajan, http://dl.contextgarden.net/myway/context-latex-math.pdf http://dl.contextgarden.net/myway/mathalign.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ConTeXt ver: 2013.06.10 22:51 MKIV beta fmt: 2013.6.21: \setuppapersize[A4] \setuplayout[backspace=45pt,topspace=35pt,width=535pt,height=760pt,footer=0pt,header=0pt, rightmargin=0pt,leftmargin=0pt] \showframe \definefontstyle [rm,roman,serif,regular] [rm] \definefont[StufeFFont][rm at 6pt][.75] \definefont[StufeEFont][rm at 7pt][.80] \definebodyfontswitch [vii] [7pt] \definebodyfontswitch [vi] [6pt] \starttext \hbox{ \vbox{ \rm\vii \startformula \startmathcases \NC Bahr, Rudolf\NR \NC *1867\ \dag 1923\NR \noalign{\vskip8mm} \NC *1881\NR \NC Supan, Josefa\NR \stopmathcases \stopformula } \hskip-.45\textwidth \vbox{ \rm\vi \startformula \startmathcases \NC Bahr, Franz\NR \NC \starteffect[hidden]1800\stopeffect\NR \noalign{\vskip4mm} \NC *1833\NR \NC Diwald, Katharina\NR \stopmathcases \stopformula \vskip11.5mm } } \stoptext -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------