Hi, I wonder how to make that the font Chris SIL (http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=CharisSIL_download) displays its Smallcaps. I checked the font with fontforge and it really contains the Smallcaps and also the smcp table. But for whatever reason I cannot get context to show the smallcaps. I tried an example out of this mailing list: \definefontfeature[smallcapitals] [smcp=yes] \definefontfeature[oldstylenumber][onum=yes] %\setupbodyfont[pagella] \setupbodyfont [charissil] \starttext {VA abc \setff{smallcapitals} VA abc} {VA abc \addff{smallcapitals} VA abc} {12345 \setff{oldstylenumber} 12345} {VA {\kap VAabc}} {VA {\cap VAabc}} {VA {\CAP VAabc}} {VA {\sc VAabc}} \stoptext In the above example I only get smallcaps with the \kap and \cap - but then also the big letters are transformed into smallcaps :-(. With pagella is works fine - but not with charissil. What have I to do in order the get the smallcaps to work with context? Thanks, H.