On Mon, 24 Jun 2024, Gerion Entrup wrote:
I was in the process to convert an itemize part to a description and wanted to simplify the code in the same move. I discovered headcommand for that, but struggled to set the text in an highlight _and_ make a colon at the end.
Not sure what exactly you want, but how about: \definehighlight[hl][style={\m{>}\,\switchtobodyfont[tt]}] % This is the wrong way to define such a command as '>' is not part of the style. I have left this definition just for comparison with the soln below. \definedescription[category][ alternative=top, headstyle=bold, width=broad, ] \definedescription[desc][ width=fit, distance={\widthofstring{~}}, headcommand={\groupedcommand{>\,}{:}}, headstyle=\tt, before={\startpacked}, after={\stoppacked}, alternative=hanging, ] \starttext This is a \hl{highlight}. Some listings \startcategory{Itemize} \startitemize[packed] \item \hl{first}: one \item \hl{second}: two \stopitemize \stopcategory Now the same as desc: \startcategory{Desc} \startdesc{first} one \stopdesc \startdesc{second} two \stopdesc \stopcategory \stoptext Aditya