Dear All, when generating example from http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Palatino_Linotype_under_MKIV I am getting the following error in the latest beta (0.90): error: ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otj.lua:1503: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'rightkern' (a table value) tex error > tex error on line 28 in file D:/db/foot.tex: ? \typo_paragraphs_stop_cell_yes ...dstrut \endgraf \fi \paragraphsparameter \... \stopparagraphscell ->\typo_paragraphs_stop_cell \let \typo_paragraphs_stop_... \stopTwoColumns ->\stopparagraphscell \egroup \paragraphsparameter \c!after ... l.28 \stopTwoColumns 27 \getbuffer[Plato] 28 >> \stopTwoColumns 29 Nothing crucial, just verifying the behaviour in the latest beta. Jan