Am 22.10.2010 16:52, schrieb Hans Hagen:
increment the number, sometimes handy when you have things in sync like questions and answers but an answer is lacking
ok, I looked into the code of strc-dec.mkiv, how the patch should be. I inserted in cont-new.mkiv before the end \def\dodefineenumerationcommands#1#2#3#4% since we use \currentdescription, we need an edef {\setevalue{\??dd#3#1\s!parent}{#4}% \setuevalue {#3#1}{\noexpand\doenumerationcommand{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \setuevalue{\e!set #3#1}{\noexpand\dosetenumerationnumber{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \setuevalue{\e!next #3#1}{\noexpand\donextenumerationnumber{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \setuevalue{\e!start#3#1}{\noexpand\doenumerationstart {#1}{#2}{#3}}% \setuevalue{\e!stop #3#1}{\noexpand\doenumerationstop {#1}{#2}{#3}}} but it didn't work, now U get the error at line 2 ! Undefined control sequence. system > error on line 2 in file latex5.tex: Undefined control sequence ... 1 \defineenumeration[theorem][way=bysection,location=top,text=Theorem] 2 >> 3 \starttext 4 \starttheorem foo \stoptheorem 5 \nexttheorem 6 \startsubtheorem foo \stopsubtheorem 7 \stoptext 8 9 \endinput 1 Herbert