Dear list members If using modes to show or hide certain part of the text. In the MWE below the part between the startmode[test] .. stopmode works jus fine. When using the \doifmode construction an error is produced on the position of the closing curly bracket. I prefer to use \doifmode constructions because they can be nested. The question block must play a role here but I don’t know why. Am I overlooking something here? Kind regards, Jan Willem Flamma ======== \enablemode[test] \defineblock[question] \defineblock[answer] \starttext \doifmode{test}{ \input knuth \beginquestion \startquestion Question \stopquestion \endquestion \beginanswer \startanswer Answer \stopanswer \endanswer } \startmode[test] \input knuth \beginquestion \startquestion Question \stopquestion \endquestion \beginanswer \startanswer Answer \stopanswer \endanswer \stopmode \stoptext