This is my bibliography set up \usemodule[bib] \setupbibtex[database={mrabbrev,bezier}] \setuppublications[numbering=yes, sorttype=cite, numbercommand=\bracketed, refcommand=num] I would have liked the in-text bibtex refs to come out in bold, so I tried: \setupcite[num][before={\start\bf},after={\stop}] but this isn't working. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious here ... While we're at it, the reference compression method is a little too aggressive: I have a \cite[onething,another] and it gives me [1--2] in text ... in this case [1,2] would be better, IMO. Compression is good if you have three or more consecutive refs. BTW, how do I add the whole database to the reference list? -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta