Am 03.01.2011 16:51, schrieb Achim Jander:
Hi all, I am still trying to get the footnote numbers aligned in a special way: flushright, but the width depends on the width of the max footnote-number on page, so to get 1 2 and ~9 10
After reading the manuals and the source given in strc-not.lua thats how far i am at the moment:
\setupnote[footnote][numbercommand=, way=bypage] \setupnotedefinition[footnote][location=left,distance=1em,hang=4,headalign={flushright},width=1em]
\def\getmaxnote[#1]{\ctxlua{ local n = structures.notes.getn("#1",n) local current = structures.notes.get("#1",n) local cr = current.references local result = cr.realpage
-- calculate the width of cr.number and store in maxwidth -- loop through the notes until act.realpage <> cr.realpage -- and for each note calculate the width, compare with maxwidh and store the max -- then set the width to the correct maxwidth
-- context.setupnotedefinition({"footnote"}, {width=maxwidth})
} }
\appendtoks \getmaxnote[footnote] \to\everybeforenoteinsert
\starttext \dorecurse {100} { test \footnote{test } } \stoptext
Now I can not figure out how to get the "real" footnote-number of the note (is there any way?) And does this approach make sense at all? Any hints welcome, i tear my hair for hours now
Greetings, Achim
Hi again, now i found out how to get the footnote-number: local num = current.numberdata local test = num.numbers local num = tostring(test[1]) but i also found out, that my plan of iterating through the notes was indeed senseless, because at this stage the next footnote is not known. (i should have tested that first). So my new plan is, to calculate the correct width in everybeforenoteinsert, and to compare it with the first one of the page. My question now: is there any possibility to restart the page when i find that i need a greater width? eg to invoke a command \justdoitagainsam?? Sorry that i make so much noise about such a silly footnote-thing, but all my books have many footnotes, and all the notes have to be typesetted like that (not my idea) So without, i could hardly use ConTeXt anyway and that would be sad... Greetings, Achim