2007/12/6, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky
I'm creating a textbook as a booklet (two A5 per A4), and have difficulties.
1) If I use imposition command \setuparranging, then Luatex doesn't process references. I know, there are workarounds, but I prefer to create A5 pages and then impose them using nice Acrobat plugin. However, I don't know how to make Luatex to process left and right pages differently (for future imposing). If I set "left margin", then it is really left through the document, but I need it to be on the right every second page, and vice versa. How to achieve it?
What is wrong with \setuppapersize[A5][A5] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \starttext ... \stoptext
(I tried 'mirrored' option in \setuppapersize, and got funny result) ;)
\setuppapersize is not meant for doubleside layout
2) I was always scared by explanation of \showlayout on texshow:
"Horizontal: (if singleside then outside is at right and inside is at left) =========== width => width of text area middle: automatic calculation consider A) params fit: automatic calculation consider A)+B) params dimension: cutspace should be 0 and is calculated according to backspace
A) params: (\paperwidth=\backspace+\makeupwidth+\cutspace) backspace => width of inner margin cutspace => width of outer margin (if 0 then = backspace!) "...
and so on. It looks like a program, not manual, and I never understood it, despite it explains very important concept, missed on Wiki -- 'fit' and 'middle' options. Can someone throw a light on these?
Best regards, Vyatcheslav
You can also create a second document and impose your booklet in this document, I can send such a file from me. Wolfgang