Hi Patrick, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
I tried the first example from the natrural tables pdf (enattab.pdf), and my output looks very compressed. Same on live.contextgarden.net. Is this the way it should look like? In contrast to the output of the enattab.pdf file.
Combined columns are not taken into account when the column maxima are calculated. You can test that by inserting something very long and unbreakable. But it's not a very common case, that - the content of the combined column is shorter than the sum of the single columns *and* - the content can't (or shouldn't) be broken When you think about a table with several overlaping combined columns and their width dependencies (needed blow up), then you can imagine that it's not worth the trouble to consider these special cases. It can be done, but I doubt that the final result looks good (and in the end you have to edit the width values by hand). But maybe I'm wrong with this assumption. Greetings, Peter
\starttext \bTABLE \bTR \bTD[nr=3] 1 \eTD \bTD[nc=2] 2/3 \eTD \bTD[nr=3] 4 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 2 \eTD \bTD 3 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 2 \eTD \bTD 3 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nc=3] 1/2/3 \eTD \bTD 4 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 1 \eTD \bTD 2 \eTD \bTD 3 \eTD \bTD 4 \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stoptext