On Friday 07 May 2010 10:23:20 Hans Hagen wrote:
On 7-5-2010 9:12, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
ppchtex has been rewritten for conTeXt using luatex and line drawing has been considerably improved. However, I do not believe that this version will (ever) be adapted for use with LaTeX. Perhaps Hans can give you a better answer.
indeed the mkiv reimplementation will not be backported to latex as it involved a combination of tex, lua and mp now and is integrated into the context kernel (we have math in the kernel so why not chemistry)
I tried your example, with decent results (see test.pdf) with the latest texlive version of pdflatex. Yet trying the pstricks driver gives an error:
! Undefined control sequence. <recently read> \c@lor@to@ps
looks like a pstricks is not loadec completely
i cannot test it here as pstricks with ppchtex in mkii does not work that well because i need to support latex and using the context pstricks layer would then complicat ethe code (in mkii we use metapost instead anyway)
Indeed, the problem is that I tried to run the pstricks option under pdflatex, which, of course, does not work! As I (almost) never use LaTeX anymore (and certainly never dvips) I had forgotten about this. I guess that I have become far too accustomed to ConTeXt and, in particular, mkiv. As to the original post, it yields acceptable results. The new ppchtex in mkiv core is an improvement and, as Hans confirms, will not be backported to laTeX. This could be one of many good reasons to switch from LaTeX to ConTeXt! Alan