Thanx Wolfgang, It looks very interesting... It can be used this method for example for macro definitions? When I will return to the subject of this mail: Can also be used for the council said Hans macros with multiple parameters? For example macros without parameter is no problem: context.setvalue('printline',calling.luafunction(),tex.par) I assume that for a more parameters cannot be used context.setvalue (...) .. But how to use multiple parameters when defining the macro as follows: context([[\\def\\paramcontrol#1#2{%s}]],thirddata.scancsv.paramcontrol('#1', '#2')) etc... I want completely rewrite my entire module into LUA code (this means only lua file without TEX code) Thanx Jaroslav Dne 13.7.2011 14:56, Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a):
Am 13.07.2011 um 12:05 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Great!!!! Hans, thanx very much for complete an exhaustive answer.. It very help me to solve my module
A few dozen commands to access values aren’t a perfect solution, there are better ways to access entries from a Lua table.
entries = { one = "1", two = "2", three = "Three", five = "More text!" }
function getentry(name) local entry = entries[name] or "" global.context(entry) end
\starttabulate \NC one \EQ \getentry{one} \NC\NR \NC two \EQ \getentry{two} \NC\NR \NC three \EQ \getentry{three} \NC\NR \NC four \EQ \getentry{four} \NC\NR \NC five \EQ \getentry{five} \NC\NR \stoptabulate