On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, David Arnold wrote:
What can people tell me about setting up Emacs to work with Context?
I use TeXLive7 + NTEmacs + Berend Boer's context.el (ConTeXt mode) and my OS is Windows (NT/2000/XP depending on the computer I happen to be using). I tried using WinEdt as the editor, but as I was already familiar with Emacs I found that using NtEmacs was a lot easier (less mousework, too) and I now do all my ConTeXt work with this setup. NTEmacs comes on the TeXLive CD so installing it is very easy, this can be done in connection with the TeXLive installation or right after it. I've never had problems with the Emacs part of the installation. :-) After installing TeXLive and NTEmacs I go to Berend's homepage and get the context.el (http://www.berenddeboer.net/emacs/index.html), create a .emacs settings file and add the required lines in there (or, nowadays, I just copy my old .emacs from another computer); the README tells you what to do. Or, if you think it will be helpful, I can give you a copy of mine or the relevant lines of mine. There's another helpful Emacs mode that I've downloaded (and made work) on one of the computers I use, but I haven't really gotten used to it yet; should be real handy, though: etexshow, Patrick Gundlach's browser for ConTeXt commands. That you can get at http://levana.de/emacs/. I have no idea how to make things work in unix or linux, but the Windows part is not too bad if one has an idea of Emacs otherwise. Hope this helps, Mari