1 Sep
1 Sep
10:08 a.m.
Al 31/08/10 22:22, En/na Wolfgang Schuster ha escrit:
Am 31.08.2010 um 18:37 schrieb xancorreu:
Another time ;-)
I have
\definedelimitedtext [abstract] [leftmargin=yes, spacebefore=line, style={\switchtobodyfont[9pt]},after=\normal]
why 'after=\normal'?
and I want to indent more the abstract. What are the options of definedelimitedtext? In the manual there is no mention for that.
Is there any way of doing the same as \startnarrower[2*middle,3*middle]?
leftmargin=2cm, rightmargin=3cm
or whatever value you want, by default rightmargin has the same amount as leftmargin
Thanks a lot, Wolfgang. Now at least there is one source of information of definedelimitedtext options ;-) Xan.