On Thursday 11 February 2010 05:07:15 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 11.02.10 02:14, schrieb Tom:
When I place a figure at the bottom of a page, everything is fine if it splits a paragraph, but if it falls between paragraphs, indentation of at least one of the paragraphs, generally the one coming after the figure, is lost. It appears that this has been a problem for some people over the years.
Can someone explain the design behind placefigure? Indeed, I would expect it to create a float that is then placed as best as possible according to certain criteria. But it appears to be oriented towards only a certain use: before or between paragraphs as it imposes a line break. I have never understood the logic of this. I would like to declare a float at any point, even in the middle of a paragraph (for example, at the first instance referring to the figure), so that the figure or table will be placed at the first instance possible following the reference. Currently, this imposes a line break (which makes sense for \placefigure [force] but not necessairly in other cases). As things stand now, I find that I must declare my floats either before or after the paragraph containing the figure or table reference. The float then may appear before or long after its text reference, in particular if the paragraph is long. Furthermore, \setupfloats [indentnext=yes] is somewhat strange. I suppose that it might make sense not to indent a new paragraph following a section title, etc. but does it really make sense not to indent a NEW paragraph following a break such as a displayed figure, table, or formula, etc.? Alan