Hi, i find the quotation marks in those chinese fallback fonts can not work as before. They always be replaced with the latin fonts. please see the following example: \definefontsynonym[pagella][name:texgyrepagellaregular] \definefontfallback[song][name:adobesongstd][0x00400-0x2FA1F] \definefontsynonym[fbsong][pagella][fallbacks=song] \definefont[newsong][fbsong] \starttext \newsong 中文的\quotation{引号}。 \stoptext i have another question, when i make texgyrepagellaregular as the fallback font for adobesongstd, it can not work. see the following example: \definefontsynonym[song][name:adobesongstd] \definefontfallback[pagella][name:texgyrepagellaregular][0x0000-0x0400] \definefontsynonym[fbsong][song][fallbacks=pagella] \definefont[newsong][fbsong] \starttext \newsong 夹杂 English 的中文文本 \stoptext the above "English" word is still display with adobesongstd but not pagella. -- Best regards, Li Yanrui (李延瑞)