On 2017-12-06 Marcin Borkowski wrote:
On 2017-12-06, at 00:01, Jan Tosovsky
wrote: On 2017-12-02 Jonas Baggett wrote:
This is a blog post I recently published: https://jonas17b.wixsite.com/monsite/home/wysiwym-editor-on-top-of-context-l... It is about some ideas I have for a WYSIWYM editor like LyX, but it would be designed for using more than 1 backend (e.g. ConTeXt, Lout), and to give a much better user experience.
Visual editing of complex structures is hard to implement. For XML based publishing there is just single serious tool! https://www.oxygenxml.com/xml_author/docbook_editor_structured_editing.html
Strange nobody mentioned Org-mode!
Also, this: https://emacs.cafe/emacs/guest-post/2017/06/26/hierarchy.html (works with JSON OOTB, but most probably could be used to edit XML).
I meant visual editing (WYSIWYM), see e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3z2sYEaLHM Jan