Sorry...Again I am stumped. I have a counter that I'd like to reset \newcounter \nuggetnumber \def \numberofnuggets{0} \definehead [nugget] [section] \setuphead [nugget] [number=yes,page=yes, before=\increment \nuggetnumber, after=\savecurrentvalue \numberofnuggets{\countervalue{nuggetnumber}},] % LO as nugget This counts the number of nuggets.. and seems to work fine. But when it gets to an episode it should reset....so, maybe like this \definehead [episode] [title] \setuphead [episode] [numberstyle=bold, textstyle=cap, number=yes,before=\resetnumber[nuggetnumber]] % may be used But \resetnumber[nuggetnumber], where-ever I put it seems to have no impact. I think the Wiki suggests that it should, and the mailing list back catalogue and the manual shed no light on the matter.... while I am at it, I am equally unsure how to reset the numberofnuggets accumulator, which should also be done on meeting the episode structural element - I'd like to insert a whole chain of commands in the before=...' Thanks Ian