On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:49 PM, John Kitzmiller wrote:
Thank you Martin. I was not clear. I can run Debian and other *nix flavors on the chromebook by various methods and then have ConTeXt, but I would rather not 'dual boot.'
What I am after is to have ConTeXt run 'natively,'
If you want to run ConTeXt "natively" on a Chromebook, you probably need to run it on a cloud, right?
if that is the right word/concept, on a chromebook core platform. From the chromebook shell I know I can run vim to edit files but I would like to compile them. (Viewing will be the next chapter!)
One thing that is not entirely clear to me is whether Chromebook is running linux or not (that is: how wildly modified OS is it running). At least it says your system "Linux armv7l" Now the main question is whether the statically compiled binaries from Debian are compatible with Chromebook or not. In case they are not someone would need to compile new binaries on regular basis (now that "regular basis" isn't that often as it used to be, but you would need to do it at least once). Mojca