Am 29.04.2013 um 09:33 schrieb Malte Stien
I need to associate a bit of text with a figure in a book. The text is not---and cannot be---the figure caption (it's providing some explanation with respect to some labels in the figure). I have tried the following based on some other post on the mailing list:
\definepapersize[eightsquare][width=8in, height=8in] \setuppapersize[eightsquare]
\setuplayout[ location=doublesided, marking=on, backspace=43mm, leftmargin=18mm, leftmargindistance=4mm, rightmargin=35mm, rightmargindistance=4mm, rightedgewidth=6mm, topspace=12mm, header=15mm, footer=15mm, height=179mm, width=115mm ]
\startplacefigure[location=force, title={First dummy caption}] \inmargin{First margin dummy} \externalfigure[dummy][width=115mm] \stopplacefigure
However, that results in the text being down the bottom of the figure. I need the text to be vertically aligned with the top of the figure. I have attached the resulting PDF for illustration purposes (is that okay on this mailing list? It's very small).
Any hints would be much appreciated.
You can set the text in the margin with the second argument of \startplacefigure. \define\FigureText {\dowithnextbox {\startlinealignment[middle] \copy\nextbox\rlap{\hskip\rightmargindistance\framed[frame=off,width=\rightmarginwidth,height=\nextboxht]{\floatuserdataparameter{text}}} \stoplinealignment} \hbox} \setupfloat[figure][command=\FigureText] \starttext \startplacefigure[title=Dummy figure][text=Margin dummy] \externalfigure[dummy][width=.8\textwidth] \stopplacefigure \stoptext Wolfgang