This is probably not exactly what you want, however, one can use list= in \startplacefigure\stopplacefigure to differentiate between the figure caption and its listing in the list of figures. \startplacefigure [title={Dutch scenery. \startitemize [n] \startitem A cow. \stopitem \startitem A mill. \stopitem \stopitemize}, list=Figure title, reference=fig:scenery] \startcombination [2] {\externalfigure [cow] [width=.5\textwidth]} {a} {\externalfigure [mill] [width=.45\textwidth} {b} \stopcombination \stopplacefigure A cow is shown in \in{figure} [fig:scenery]a. The above example raises the following (low priority) feature suggestion: How about some way of automatically numbering/labeling combinations just like item lists? Sort-of a hybrid between combination and itemize. Say, \startcombination [r*c] [item=a] \startitem \externalfigure [cow] \stopitem \startitem \externalfigure [mill] \stopitem \stopcombination Hmm. A challenge for Hans (as if he is not busy enough). (However, I am sure that Wolfgang can suggest an obvious solution that is already available, that I overlook... :) Alan