Am 25.01.2021 um 18:58 schrieb Aditya Mahajan
: or some variant of that should also work. But the filter module does make it easier to store the results in another directory so that they are out of sight.
No, you need additional file system commands.
Here is a simple example:
Thank you! Meanwhile, looking at my LilyPond module, I got as far as: """ \startmodule[tikzfilter] \usemodule[filter] % docs see https://github.com/adityam/filter \def\TIKZTEMP{tikztemp} % name of folder for TikZ/buffer files \startbuffer[tikz::before] \environment env_world % contains font setup etc. \environment env_TikZ % contains TikZ settings \startpagefigure \starttikzpicture[thick,domain=-90:90]% TODO: make this configurable \stopbuffer \startbuffer[tikz::after] \stoptikzpicture \stoppagefigure \stopbuffer \define[1]\ParseTikZFile% #1 is the name of the output file {\ctxlua{thirddata.parsetikzfile("#1")}} \startluacode thirddata = thirddata or {} -- create temp folder if missing if not lfs.isdir("\TIKZTEMP") then lfs.mkdir("\TIKZTEMP") end function thirddata.parsetikzfile(name) -- name is like \TIKZTEMP/mainfile-temp-tikz-21.pdf logs.report("TIKZFILTER","name='" .. name .. "'") context("\\externalfigure[" .. name .. "]") end \stopluacode \defineexternalfilter[tikz][ cache=yes, purge=no, directory=\TIKZTEMP, bufferbefore={tikz::before}, bufferafter={tikz::after}, readcommand=\ParseTikZFile, output={\externalfilterbasefile.pdf}, % ConTeXt never writes results to other directories filtercommand={context --batchmode --once --autopdf=auto --result=\externalfilterbasefile\space \externalfilterinputfile\space && mv \externalfilterbasefile.pdf\space \TIKZTEMP/}, ] \stopmodule Hraban