I solved it, although it's kinda hacky. I'm pretty sure that publications.citevariants.short is not meant to be called directly. Do you know why `context.getdetail(dataset, tag, "author")` does not work in render_cite? It always returns nil. ``` \setupinteraction[state=start] \startbuffer[testdata] @Book{knuth1, author = {Donald E. Knuth}, title = {TEX and METAFONT. New directions in typesetting}, year = {1979}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, } @Article{someother, author = {Some Person and Some Otherperson}, title = {Another title}, year = {1900}, } \stopbuffer % enable tracing \enabletrackers[publications, publications.crossref, publications.details, publications.cite, publications.strings] \usebtxdataset[main][testdata.buffer] \usebtxdefinitions[aps] \setupbtx[dataset=main] \definebtxrendering[bibrendering][aps][dataset=main, numbering=short] \setupbtxlist[aps][ alternative=b, distance=.5em, ] \definebtx[aps:cite:special][aps:cite] \startluacode function render_cite(dataset, tag, righttext) local luadata = publications.datasets[dataset].luadata local entry = luadata[tag] local extrasign = "" if entry.author:lower():find("knuth") then extrasign = ">" end context("[" .. extrasign) print(righttext) publications.citevariants.short({dataset = dataset, reference = tag, variant = "short", righttext = righttext}) context("]") end \stopluacode \startsetups btx:aps:cite:special \btxcitereference \ctxlua{render_cite([==[\currentbtxdataset]==], [==[\currentbtxtag]==], [==[\currentbtxrighttext]==])} \stopsetups \setupbtx[aps:cite][alternative=special] \starttext \def\comma{,} Knuth developed \TeX~\cite[knuth1] Several persons said something~\cite[someother]. \placelistofpublications[bibrendering] \stoptext ``` Gerion Am Dienstag, 23. April 2024, 16:03:50 MESZ schrieb Gerion Entrup:
Here is a solution for the first part of my question. This is based on https://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg101156.html and try and error based on publ-imp-aps.mkvi and publ-imp-apa.mkvi:
It display now the citation _and_ numbering labels in the short form: ``` \setupinteraction[state=start]
\startbuffer[testdata] @Book{knuth1, author = {Donald E. Knuth}, title = {TEX and METAFONT. New directions in typesetting}, year = {1979}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, } @Article{someother, author = {Some Person and Some Otherperson}, title = {Another title}, year = {1900}, } \stopbuffer
% enable tracing \enabletrackers[publications, publications.crossref, publications.details, publications.cite, publications.strings]
\usebtxdataset[main][testdata.buffer] \usebtxdefinitions[aps] \setupbtx[dataset=main] \definebtxrendering[bibrendering][aps][dataset=main, numbering=short] \setupbtxlist[aps][ alternative=b, distance=.5em, ] \setupbtx[aps:cite][alternative=short]
Knuth developed \TeX \cite[knuth1] Several persons said something \cite[someother].
\stoptext ```
The remaining part now is to mark publications of Knuth in a different way. I have tried this and failed. Here is my code so far: ``` \startluacode function render_cite(short, author) print(author) if author:lower():find("knuth") then context("[>" .. short .. "]") else context("[" .. short .. "]") end end \stopluacode \definebtx[aps:cite:special][aps:cite] \startsetups btx:aps:cite:special \btxcitereference \ctxlua{render_cite([==[\btxflush{year}]==], [==[\btxflush{author}]==])} \stopsetups % use it with \cite[special][knuth1] ``` This has several problems: - \btxflush{short} does not work as I expected that. How can I get the short form? - \btxflush to pass arguments to lua does not work as intended. On the lua side the variable "author" resolves to "\btxflushauthor{author}" and not to "D. E. Knuth". How can I pass the data?
I use Lua only because I find it more convenient as a programming language. If a plain tex solution is simpler, I'm happy to use that.
Another question that came up while studying the source code: What effect have \c!, \s!, and \v!? These commands exist a lot in the above cited files.
Am Mittwoch, 17. April 2024, 15:44:12 MESZ schrieb Gerion Entrup:
The APS style is an example of a number-based citation system. As you are looking for a tag-based citation, it might be better to start with something like the APA style.
I'm kind of satisfied with the publication-list layout of the APS style so I chose this as a base. If it is simpler to start with the APA style, I can do that.
My hope is that it is possible to just change the "label" that is used for referencing and keep everything else as is.
Is there some specification for your short tag-based citation style?
biblatex implements this with the "alphabetic" style. I'm not aware of a specification, though. Does the "short" form in ConTeXt exist for a specific reason? :)
On Tue, 16 Apr 2024 06:04:35 +0200 Gerion Entrup
wrote: Hi,
I'm trying to customize a cite format in a bibliography. Currently, I'm using the aps style which fits so far, except of the plain number as reference. In concrete, I want to change the following: - Use the first letter of the last name and the year as reference (this should be exactly the short form). It is more less also described here [1]. - Highlight publications of a certain author with an extra char (e.g. '>')
Here is a minimal example (lets assume, every occurrence of Knuth should be highlighted): ``` \setupinteraction[state=start]
\startbuffer[testdata] @Book{knuth1, author = {Donald E. Knuth}, title = {TEX and METAFONT. New directions in typesetting}, year = {1979}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, } @Article{someother, author = {Some Person and Some Otherperson}, title = {Another title}, year = {1900}, } \stopbuffer
% enable tracing \enabletrackers[publications, publications.crossref, publications.details, publications.cite, publications.strings]
\usebtxdataset[main][testdata.buffer] \usebtxdefinitions[aps] \setupbtx[dataset=main] \definebtxrendering[bibrendering][aps][dataset=main]
% this seems to have no effect? \setupbtx[alternative=short]
Knuth developed \TeX \cite[knuth1]. Several persons said something \cite[someother].
\stoptext ```
It should be rendered as: ``` Knuth developed TeX [>Knu79]. Several persons said something [PO00].
[Knu79] D.E. Knuth, TEX and METAFONT. New directions in typesetting (Addison-Wesley, 1979). [PO00] S. Person and S. Otherperson, Another title, (1900). ```
How can I achieve that \cite[something] always renders in the short form by default? How can I customize that references to Knuth contain this extra '>'? How can I customize the APS style to also use the short form in the list of publications instead of numbers?
Best Gerion
[1] https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/295444/citation-style-with-first-let...