\startsetups streamlayer:test:settings \overloadtextwidth{12cm} \stopsetups
\startstreamlayer[test] \starttextbackground[testframe] ... \stoptextbackground \stopstreamlayer
That's exactly what I need! Based on your example I kept experimenting a bit and got to: --- \usemodule[streams] \definestreamlayer [columns] [method=overlay] \startsetups streamlayer:columns:settings \overloadtextwidth{12cm} \stopsetups \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=columns] \starttext \startstreamlayer[columns] \startcolumns \input knuth \stopcolumns \stopstreamlayer \setlayerframed [columns] [x=2cm, y=3cm] [width=12cm, height=8cm, align=normal, offset=none, framecolor=gray] {\placestreamlayer[columns]} %\setlayer % [columns] % [x=1cm, % y=10cm] % {\placestreamlayer[columns]} \stoptext --- Observations: 1. One can even do without the textbackground material for some reason. 2. \placestreamlayer apparently can only be used once (try uncommenting the last lines). So it doesn't nearly behave like a buffer... 3. There's some vertical space between the frame and the first line of text. Is this some \topskip thing? How can I get rid of this space? Many thanks again for your suggestions and a happy new year, Oliver